Tuesday, February 19, 2013

If you change your mingd about buying a Monster High, There's No Going Back!

Written by Ceri'on Wolf©

Once you purchase a Monster High doll it will begin to grow in value soon as it leaves the store! So if you contemplate on buying a doll, but decide not to get it right then and there, "there is no going back". Mattel has got a pretty good stock pattern going on. They will put out a limited amount of dolls at a time. Once you see certain doll at your local Walmart, Target or Toys R Us, you will not see them again for another two or three months. Sometimes you will not see the same doll for half a year! This leads me to believe that Mattel wants Monster High to be good for investing. "Did anyone see Abbey back in stores a few months ago?"

Like Star Wars action figures back in the 70's. Today most of those Star Wars action figures go for thousands of dollars! The original Luke Skywalker I saw going on Ebay for $7,999 dollars! Yoda was going for $3,999. Every single Star Wars action figure from the 70's is going for high hundreds to thousands of dollars.

I don't know if Monster High dolls will reach that level but I can see them reaching the low thousands within 5 years. If you want to see what the top Monster High dolls are going for today, visit my "DOLL VALUE CHART" on my webpage. The chart is updated regularly.